

現在BAND-MAIDは日本ツアーを敢行中だが、5月・8月にはUS TOURを行っていた。これは米国3大野外フェス<Lollapalooza Chicago>などへの出演を含む大型US TOURとなったが、今回本記事では8月後半のお給仕の模様をお届けしようと思う。先日公開した、【連載】BAND-MAID<10TH ANNIVERSARY TOUR in NORTH AMERICA>8月前編とあわせてぜひチェックを。

◆8/11 Portland, OR Crystal Ballroom
◆8/12 Spokane, WA Bing Crosby Theater
◆8/14 Sacramento, CA Ace of Spades
◆8/15 Anaheim, CA House of Blues Anaheim
◆8/18 Mexico City, MX PABELLÓN OESTE

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■8/11 Portland, OR  Crystal Ballroom

15日目は、オレゴン州ポートランド・Crystal Ballroom。元々はダンスをする社交場として100年以上前に建てられたボールルームで、1960年代頃からポップス、ロック、ジャズはじめ多くのライブも行われ、ジェームス・ブラウン、グレイトフル・デッドなどの著名なアーティストもパフォーマンスしてきた由緒ある会場だ。大きなシャンデリアが輝く会場には、お給仕初開催地にも関わらず1,000名を越えるファンが詰めかけた。



The 15th stop of the tour was Portland, Oregon's Crystal Ballroom. Built over 100 years ago for balls and other social events featuring dancing, the Ballroom started hosting pop, rock, and jazz performances in the 1960s, and in its venerable history has had its stage graced by artists including James Brown and the Grateful Dead. Though this was the first time an OKYUJI had been held in Portland, over 1,000 fans gathered underneath the glittering chandelier to see BAND-MAID.

The cheering of the crowd filled the venue all throughout the show, and the enthusiasm of the fans seemingly flowed through the band and turned up the heat on their unusually intense performance that night. From the ballad "anemone", played for the first time on their North American tour, and after continuing with "Memorable" and "Daydreaming" for a mellow trio of power ballad songs, the next number, "HATE?", saw KANAMI leap from center stage and, still playing her guitar, parade through the audience like she was going down a kabuki theater's runway.

In answer to audience's fervor, not only did MIKU Kobato also jump into the crowd for Omajinai Time, but drummer AKANE, understandably tied to the stage while performing, got down into the house during her MC portion, to a delighted fan response. The bandmembers' daring performances truly rocked the ballroom that night.JAPANESE TEXT & PHOTO FG5
TRASLATION Natalie S. Hadjiloukas
