最新のKAWAIIがテーマの<KAWAii!! MATSURi>。きゃりー、T.M.Revolution、May'n、しょこたんら出演決定
Japanese Pop Culture Festival, “KAWAII MATSURI” ,
coming up in TOKYO!!
Japanese Pop Culture Festival, “KAWAII MATSURI” will be held on 20th& 21st of April, for the first time in Tokyo.
Musicians, singers, fashion models, perfomers…. Many iconic artists those who represent all genre of Japanese Pop culture will be taking part in this special event.
“KAWAII”, a Japanese adjective meaning “cute” “ lovely” “adorable”, is now known all over the world and has become the “it” word to explain Japanese Pop culture. And the following word,“ MATSURI” meaning “festival” or “gala”, “KAWAII MATSURI” will be a showcase of cutting-edge Japanese KAWAII culture. This event will also feature 3 symbolic areas of Tokyo, HARAJUKU, SHIBUYA, AKIHABARA, where people from all over the world gather to seek “Kawaii” trends
Artist Line-up
20th Sat/APRIL
T.M.REVOLUTION, a male rock vocalist, his catchy melody and dazzling performance has a great influence on Japanese youth culture.
SHOKO NAKAGAWA,noted icon of Japanese game, animation, “ cosplay”(dressing-up) culture.
MAY’N, a female rock vocalist, one of the top-rank singers of Japanese animation songs.
Also, DENPA-GUMI.INC and LINQ who are rapidly gaining popularity will appear on stage
21stSun/ APRIL
KYARY PAMYU PAMYU, one of the most distinguished icon of HARAJUKU, whose music video from the album “PON PON PON” has been played over a million times on the internet.
SCANDAL, a girls rock band, cute looking but their rough and tough performance is adored by teenage girls.
END OF THE WORLD, 4 membered music group that came out of nowhere and made a huge impact on the Japanese music scene in 2010. Their unique sounds and style attain enormous popularity from Japanese youth.
MORE live performances,shows, are being planned !! Details and news will be updated on the official website! Please check : http://kawaii-matsuri.jp/
◆かわいこちゃんねる(kawaico channel)
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