激しい曲が続いても迫力の衰えないSAIKIのヴォーカルをしっかりと支えるMISAの安定感あるベースに、AKANEのタイトなリズム。KANAMIの歌うようなギターに寄り添う小鳩ミクのバッキングギターとコーラス。この5人ならではの一体感が心地よい。また、激しい演奏で魅了するだけでなく、今回のツアーでは英語でのコミュニケーションも積極的に行っており、メンバー個々の個性を存分に感じられるMCも展開された。小鳩ミクによる「おまじないタイム」は、「萌え萌えキュンキュン」のコール&レスポンスに恥ずかしがって参加しないご主人様・お嬢様へ「You must join!」と呼びかけ会場の笑いをとるなど、本ツアーを通してスタンダップコメディのような立ち振舞いへと進化。
老若男女全員を一気に引き込み、トークでも盛り上げる。普段はクールなSAIKIもアメリカ各地でのコール&レスポンスを重ねる毎に熱い煽りを入れるようになり、MISAはステージドリンク(ビール)開封の儀で「Alcohol is blood!」と会場を沸かせるなど、会場との一体感はツアーを通して公演毎に増していった。
約1時間30分に亘るステージの最後は、BAND-MAIDの“世界征服”決意表明でもある楽曲「DOMINATION」を演奏、約1ヶ月に亘るツアー完走を讃える大歓声の中終了した。アンコールの声も鳴り止まないなか、AFTERSHOCK FESTIVALから2、3日に1公演のペースで駆け抜けてきたBAND-MAIDは、ツアーファイナルに相応しい、まさに集大成といえるようなお給仕で“BAND-MAID US TOUR 2022”全公演を締めくくった。
【Additional performance day】
Tue, November 1st in CHICAGO, IL at HOUSE OF BLUEES
The final, the 13th day of the performance.
The final performance of the tour was held at a magnificent theater-style venue for premier tickets were sold out the same day despite the additional performance.
When the performance started with the orchestral intro song "Sense", which consistently decorated the first song of the tour, the packed venue was filled with heat from the beginning.
There were many special arrangement songs from the session to the intro, but on this day, there was no instrumental music. Even on the last day of the US tour, they played "Bubble" for the first time during the tour and BAND-MAID showed off their spirit of continuing to challenge until the last day without fear of change.
The sense of unity between the five of them is comfortable:
Based on a MISA's stable bass guitar that firmly supports SAIKI's vocal, which didn't lose its power even after intense songs continue, AKANE's fine and tight rhythm, Miku Kobato's backing guitar and chorus accompany KANAMI's singing guitar playing.
In addition to being fascinated by intense performances, this tour also actively communicates in English, and on-stage talks who can fully feel the individuality of each member were developed. Men and women of all ages were drawn in at once, and the talks on the stage got lively.
"Omajinai Time" by Miku Kodobato evolved into a stand-up comedy-like behavior through this tour, calling out "You must join!" to masters and princesses who were shy and did not participate in her call and response of "Moe Moe Kyun Kyun".
SAIKI is usually cool, but after each call and response around the U.S., she became more and more passionate to the audience.
MISA said “alcohol is blood!” drinking beer during her "opening ceremony time" and shook the venue.
At the end of the performance which lasted about an hour and a half, BAND-MAID performed "DOMINATION" which was also an expression of BAND-MAID's determination to conquer the world. They ended the US tour with loud cheers to celebrate the completion of the tour for about a month.
BAND-MAID performed at a pace of one performance every two to three days after the AFTERSHOC FESTIVAL.
"BAND-MAID US TOUR 2022" concluded with the best OKYUJI that could be described as the culmination of the entire tour in Chicago.
激しい曲が続いても迫力の衰えないSAIKIのヴォーカルをしっかりと支えるMISAの安定感あるベースに、AKANEのタイトなリズム。KANAMIの歌うようなギターに寄り添う小鳩ミクのバッキングギターとコーラス。この5人ならではの一体感が心地よい。また、激しい演奏で魅了するだけでなく、今回のツアーでは英語でのコミュニケーションも積極的に行っており、メンバー個々の個性を存分に感じられるMCも展開された。小鳩ミクによる「おまじないタイム」は、「萌え萌えキュンキュン」のコール&レスポンスに恥ずかしがって参加しないご主人様・お嬢様へ「You must join!」と呼びかけ会場の笑いをとるなど、本ツアーを通してスタンダップコメディのような立ち振舞いへと進化。
老若男女全員を一気に引き込み、トークでも盛り上げる。普段はクールなSAIKIもアメリカ各地でのコール&レスポンスを重ねる毎に熱い煽りを入れるようになり、MISAはステージドリンク(ビール)開封の儀で「Alcohol is blood!」と会場を沸かせるなど、会場との一体感はツアーを通して公演毎に増していった。
約1時間30分に亘るステージの最後は、BAND-MAIDの“世界征服”決意表明でもある楽曲「DOMINATION」を演奏、約1ヶ月に亘るツアー完走を讃える大歓声の中終了した。アンコールの声も鳴り止まないなか、AFTERSHOCK FESTIVALから2、3日に1公演のペースで駆け抜けてきたBAND-MAIDは、ツアーファイナルに相応しい、まさに集大成といえるようなお給仕で“BAND-MAID US TOUR 2022”全公演を締めくくった。
【Additional performance day】
Tue, November 1st in CHICAGO, IL at HOUSE OF BLUEES
The final, the 13th day of the performance.
The final performance of the tour was held at a magnificent theater-style venue for premier tickets were sold out the same day despite the additional performance.
When the performance started with the orchestral intro song "Sense", which consistently decorated the first song of the tour, the packed venue was filled with heat from the beginning.
There were many special arrangement songs from the session to the intro, but on this day, there was no instrumental music. Even on the last day of the US tour, they played "Bubble" for the first time during the tour and BAND-MAID showed off their spirit of continuing to challenge until the last day without fear of change.
The sense of unity between the five of them is comfortable:
Based on a MISA's stable bass guitar that firmly supports SAIKI's vocal, which didn't lose its power even after intense songs continue, AKANE's fine and tight rhythm, Miku Kobato's backing guitar and chorus accompany KANAMI's singing guitar playing.
In addition to being fascinated by intense performances, this tour also actively communicates in English, and on-stage talks who can fully feel the individuality of each member were developed. Men and women of all ages were drawn in at once, and the talks on the stage got lively.
"Omajinai Time" by Miku Kodobato evolved into a stand-up comedy-like behavior through this tour, calling out "You must join!" to masters and princesses who were shy and did not participate in her call and response of "Moe Moe Kyun Kyun".
SAIKI is usually cool, but after each call and response around the U.S., she became more and more passionate to the audience.
MISA said “alcohol is blood!” drinking beer during her "opening ceremony time" and shook the venue.
At the end of the performance which lasted about an hour and a half, BAND-MAID performed "DOMINATION" which was also an expression of BAND-MAID's determination to conquer the world. They ended the US tour with loud cheers to celebrate the completion of the tour for about a month.
BAND-MAID performed at a pace of one performance every two to three days after the AFTERSHOC FESTIVAL.
"BAND-MAID US TOUR 2022" concluded with the best OKYUJI that could be described as the culmination of the entire tour in Chicago.
BAND-MAIDのギタリストKANAMI、日本人初 PRSよりシグネチャーモデル発売
BAND-MAID、ニューアルバム『Epic Narratives』より壮大な展開の新曲「Forbidden tale」MV公開
【インタビュー】BAND-MAID、壮大な物語を描く最新アルバム『Epic Narratives』発売「過去イチを塗り替えている自信がある」
BAND-MAID、アルバム『Epic Narratives』アートワーク公開。先行配信曲「SHOW THEM」MV明日公開